
Nonprofit / Veterans Support


SEO, Marketing Strategy Consulting, Website Optimization


Operation Healing Forces

How Operation Healing Forces Leveraged SEO and Strategic Consulting to Increase Awareness and Donations

As a nonprofit organization supporting Special Operations Forces, Operation Healing Forces (OHF) required an improved digital strategy to engage with its target audience. Their site struggled with visibility, organic traffic, and user navigation, which hampered their ability to drive donations and awareness.

The challenge included the need for seamless navigation and content optimization to help users access critical areas of the site, such as their donation page and retreat program.

Operation Healing Forces Needed Optimized Online Presence to Boost Engagement and Donations

Keyword Research & Integration: Identified and integrated high-priority keywords into website.

SEO Optimizations: Optimized meta titles and descriptions to improve visibility in search engines.

Content Strategy: Enhanced user flow by improving the navigation bar, ensuring easy access to key pages.

Navigation Mockups: Designed a new navigation structure to align with SEO best practices & UX.

Website Adjustments: Regularly made website changes, ensuring pages were properly optimized.

Biweekly Consulting: Provided ongoing recommendations and reports to monitor the impact.

No superficial fixes here—I implemented a robust strategy to drive meaningful traffic and engagement for OHF

the marketing Strategy


Increase in Organic Search Users


Increase in Total Users

Total users increased by 47.8%, demonstrating a substantial boost in traffic as a result of SEO and strategic updates. This increase came from a combination of organic search, direct traffic, and social referrals.

User aquisition

The most visited pages were the OHF Retreat Program, Donate, and Events pages, showing increased user interest in OHF's programs and mission.

Top performing pages

The site's session duration remained strong at an average of 2 minutes and 6 seconds. This shows users are spending valuable time engaging with the content, particularly across key pages like the OHF Retreat Program and Donate pages.

Improved Engagement

The Results

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