
Logistics Transportation


Project Strategy, Website Design, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Project Management


Cargo Transporters

how cargo transporters leveraged digital marketing to increase visitors

Cargo Transporters, a logistics company, faced challenges in effectively communicating with three distinct audiences: customers, truckers, and potential employees. Their website lacked the necessary tools and user experience to streamline key actions like requesting quotes or tracking shipments. Additionally, the company wanted to emphasize its value propositions, operational reach, and service range, while also showcasing their company culture and employee benefits to attract top talent.

The website was not optimized for easy navigation or quick access to critical information, causing frustration for users and potential loss of business. They needed a comprehensive redesign that focused on improving both functionality and accessibility, especially on mobile and tablet devices.

Cargo Transporters Needed a Website to Engage Audiences & Boost UX


Comprehensive UX Audit: Identified navigation issues, accessibility barriers, and underperforming features.

User-Centric Redesign: Streamlined the site for easy navigation across key audiences.

Responsive Design Optimization: Optimized the website for mobile and tablet use.

Highlighting Key Value Propositions: Showcased services and culture on the homepage.

Employee Benefits & Recruitment: Created a section to showcase employee benefits and attract new talent.

SEO and Speed Optimization: Improved SEO and site speed for better visibility and user engagement.

No time for surface-level fixes here... I implemented a deep, comprehensive strategy to enhance Cargo Transporters’ online presence and user experience:

the marketing Strategy


Session Duration


Organic Traffic


Organic Visitors

Three high-priority keywords ranked on page 1 of google in the first month.  By the second month, all keywords were ranking, with 5 on page 1.

Keyword Success

With enhanced SEO and user experience, the website saw a noticeable boost in qualified leads from organic search. These included form fills for customers, clients, and job applications by potential employees.

Increased Lead Generation

The site's session duration increased by 15.5%, indicating greater user interaction and interest in the content.

Improved Engagement

The Results

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